Saturday 15 September 2012

Little Gems 1 - The Book of Three - Lloyd Alexander

Sometimes kids books surprise you with little gems of wisdom. See above.
Just reading Book of Three at the moment.
It is excellent.
Fast moving, clearly defined and lovable characters.
It is about a quest for a lost pig that can read the future. The chapters are short and although it is quite comparable to Tolkien it is less verbose and is packed with incident.

Fun for the listener: 9/10
Fun for the reader: 10/10
Fear factor: 5/10 (some quite scary bits, not too graphic but the baddies are silent reanimated corpses and on one occasion they burn humans in baskets)
Readability: 10/10
Voices: Taran - Light tone
Dallben - Old man
Gwydion - Heroic strong voice
Eilonwy - Light and spiky
Gurgi - Gollum and Dobby's lovechild
Flewddur Fflam - Very posh, thin voice occasional lapses into Leslie Phillips